How are wrinkles formed and what can we do about it?

One of the major concerns people have about their aesthetics would be features that give their age away. Years of laughter, anger, joy and pain are etched onto our faces and even without moving a muscle, our faces can mirror our overall disposition, providing cues to our character and emotions.

Imagine the happiest person you know (babies don’t count) and really think about the way his/her face look. They would most likely have crow’s feet at the end of their eyes and their facial muscles would be quick to ease into a smile at the slightest trigger. The development of their muscles over years of having such positive disposition would create deeper crow’s feet that somehow make them look even friendlier and approachable. When you think about smiles that reach the eyes, you will almost always include the crow’s feet in that picture you have in mind.

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Living with our masks on

The face mask of all things serves as the best (or worst) reminder of the Covid situation. It is an important part of our lives now and learning how to live with it in the most graceful way possible is the focus of this article.

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What do the terms “natural” and “organic” really mean?

You can be drawn to organic or natural products for different reasons from the person next to you in that fresh produce aisle at the supermarket. But one thing that is for certain is the need to understand them instead of simply following trends. Natural ingredients are preferred by most simply because we perceive them to be better for our bodies than synthetics and harmful chemicals. I personally think those who lead a largely 100% organic lifestyle as saints, In the foods they eat, eco-friendly things they do and buy. When I analysed my lifestyle choices, I would say despite my best efforts, I would be only be 50% organic. Anymore and there is the tendency to reconsider the point of living (in jest).

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When should we toss out our skincare products?

Just a couple weeks ago when I was cleaning out my beauty corner, I realized there were so many half-finished bottles of skincare lotions/creams and packet masks from years ago when I have yet to adopt the clean organic beauty lifestyle. This is a topic worthy for another discussion.

I refused to throw these old skincare products for the longest time because of how much they costed me and also how little I have used them. I kept thinking that perhaps there would be another use for these creams by smearing them on my elbows, knees and such. But I never did.

Some of these products still look and smell like how they did when I first used them but being more educated on skincare products since my formulation diploma course, I know that looks can really be deceiving. Some beauty products don’t even have expiry dates on them but if they do, you would be able to find it in the form of a small picture that looks like an open jar, which indicates how long the formula is good for once it is opened (products start oxidizing once they are opened, just like apples when cut). That is on the assumption that you have stored it correctly.

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Effect of UV on our skin

I would think this is an unpopular topic because being overly concerned about the effects of sun damage could mean you are not enjoying life to its fullest. Enjoying the outdoors and such, unless you’re a night crawler would mean exposure to the sun especially since we are on the equator, we bear the brunt of our glorious sun.

The consequences of prolonged exposure to the sun for long periods of time (think people who are crazy over sun tanning, people who have no choice but to work under the sun…etc) include skin damage, eye damage, immune system suppression, and worst of all, skin cancer. So it really goes beyond just cosmetic concerns.

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Why are babies' skin so soft and smooth?

Scientists theorised that the secret to why babies have such soft skin lies in the white, milky substance called vernix that envelopes the fetus when it is in the womb but it is wiped off almost immediately after birth. And if you have seen newborns right out of the womb, it is inspiring but not quite a pretty sight to those of low tolerance.

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You must have seen news flashes like “your skin absorbs 60% of what you put on it,” and “anything you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream within 26 seconds” circulating the net. But are these claims true? These two particular statements have so many variables to it that they cannot be taken as conclusive statements in any real context.

So while they might be true in some cases, for some chemicals, the phrasing of these news flashes does the better job of sensationalizing it as they attract curious readers like yourself to read it and take whatever action they want you to (buying products for instance).

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Types Of Facial Exfoliants

Physical Exfoliators: Any cleanser of facial scrub that contains tiny scrubbing particles that you can feel with your hands. Some brands have the tiniest particles which are supposedly gentler but make sure to check what the beads of these products are made of.  While these scrubs help to buff and slough off the dead skin cells, some may be causing damage to the environment or to your skin. Some common physical exfoliation ingredients would include: salt, sugar (a big no for acne/oily skin), crushed nuts and baking soda (too harsh on most skin types).

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The Face Place SgComment
Why do pores get bigger and how to stop them!

First, here are some facts about your pores so you can better understand them.

1. They Are Hair Follicles

Pores helps the skin “breathe” and are actually the openings for your hair follicles and sweat glands. Each tiny hair you have is actually coming out of a pore. While this is not as obvious on the face, you should be able to observe this easily on your limbs. The oil gland on the inside of your pores produces sebum which is an oil that protects and moisturizes the skin for it to stay soft and supple.

2. Your genetics play a part

Your genes determine how visible your pores are, how much oil they produce as well as the overall texture and quality of your skin. While this is something you can’t change, you can however try your best with the rest of the factors that affect the quality of your pores.

3. They Change With Age

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The Face Place SgComment
What type of face mask is best for my skin type?

You must have seen the hype surrounding the “mask of the season” on Instagram, marketed by your favorite celebs/ Youtube beauty gurus. The most popular being the pink clay masks and the visually impactful bubble mask. They look so exciting and highly raved, it is hard not to want to try everything you see.

To the more discerning crowd, you might be wondering if these masks are suitable for you in the first place. Of course every product is made different but in this article, we will only discuss the different types of facial masks you see in the market and their functions to help you make better decisions!

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